Project Description
Emma Ingham
BA (Hons) Photography
University Centre St Helens, HE Arts 2020

Body Confidence

The exploration of body confidence has been a central theme throughout my work since undertaking the BA (Hons) in Photography nearly three years ago. Confidence means believing “in your own ability to do things and be successful” (“Confidence,” n.d.)
CThe exploration of body confidence has been a central theme throughout my work since undertaking the BA (Hons) in Photography nearly three years ago. Confidence means believing “in your own ability to do things and be successful” (“Confidence,” n.d.)
The research behind the project has consistently led me to feel better within my body and as you can see, it has given me the confidence to stand in front of the camera with no clothes on. Every single person has their own journey in life, taking self-portraits is allowing me to progress on my journey.
Throughout my work, I explore body confidence, using influences such as Jenny Saville, Jesy Nelsons BBC documentary and many others. There are so many campaigns now trying to encourage women, especially to love their body.
‘“I think it’s so important for girls to love themselves and to treat their bodies respectfully.” – Ariana Grande’ (Nagi, 2017)
I hope, if my work can teach you anything, I pray it teaches you to love yourself!
Emma Ingham
Instagram: @enlargeyoursmilex

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